Egg Shells

Egg Shells

I love my chickens, love my eggs. I like them fried, scrambled, poached and boiled. I like using them in egg sandwiches, for deviled eggs, in salads, in cakes, pancakes…. You get the idea. What do I do with all of my eggshells? I definitely don’t put them in the...


I thought I would do a play on RUOK? And ask instead Are You At Home? With a lot of people being at home, either due to schools being closed or needing to work from home, you might think we have a lot of relaxation time….. For me, it’s been a bit of a...
Canning Fail of the Day

Canning Fail of the Day

I love preserving food for when times get hectic and I can grab “convenience” food off my pantry shelf, knowing exactly what’s in it and more importantly, what’s NOT in it. I have a dehydrator, vacuum sealer, pressure canner and now my...
Where to start

Where to start

Hmmmm, so and so told me this, I read that in xyz book, I heard about such and such at a garden supply store, I learned this in an online course…. What to believe and where to start? Firstly, work out what exactly (or as near as you can) you want to achieve in...