About Me


Hello, everyone!

I am a busy mum and wife, doing the various things that parents do. I work, I do school runs, washing, dishes, etc. I have always loved nature and science and learning how the world works. As I got older and had children, I started to worry about what the world would look like for them, their children and grandchildren in the future. I became more concerned about them eating healthy foods and limiting additives.

But what could I do about it?

I’m only one person.

Could I really make any difference to the world?


ellen clarke profile
sustainable living course

The first step in my sustainability journey was to get chickens, although I didn’t know I was being sustainable. I hated how expensive eggs were and I didn’t like hearing stories of how some farms were treating chickens. I loved collecting the eggs and showing the kids that eggs come in more than just one colour. My “girls” are part of the family and help by using up food scraps trimming weeds and providing fertiliser

 I started hearing about sustainability and wanted to find out more. That’s where the major frustration began, along with an unhealthy dose of information overload.

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There was SO MUCH information. I didn’t know where to start.

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There was a lot of conflicting information.
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There was a lot of US based information that wasn’t relevant for me in Australia.

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I didn’t have the time to sort through it all, I just wanted something SIMPLE!

Worm tea, weed tea, straw bale gardening, square foot gardening, recycling, repurposing….. let’s just say I’ve tried a lot. I have also seen how many other busy mums there are who want to do “the right thing” but struggle with lack of time and knowing where and how to start.

I want to show them and you that it is possible to achieve your sustainability goals and that it doesn’t have to be hard or expensive.
It just takes one step, one small change.

I have an Associate Diploma in Applied Science (Swinburne TAFE) and a Diploma in Sustainable Living (University of Tasmania) and I am passionate about helping others to enjoy a more sustainable lifestyle.

I believe that if everyone makes just one small change, we can make a big impact on the environment and change our lives, our families lives and the world.


Let me help you to Make One Change.